Life – it’s all about Plan B

Saturday afternoon, the plan was to mow the lawn (ha!). Of course that had been my objective since let’s see, was it Thursday?  – when of course it rained. Well I thought, on Friday I would skip the gym and go directly home to mow before Memorial Day, but at 2:30 at work I observed pouring rain, again. Okay Lord you obviously have another agenda. On Saturday morning after the prayer team I would make another attempt, but on my way to church the rain drops hit my windshield. Good thing I tossed in my gym bag; plans changed again. Our Lord has such a sense of humor.

After exercise I would adjust my work schedule (insert “my attitude” also) and concentrate on the inside of my home; plenty of dust and clutter there.  Even though the rain had stopped and it was much too wet to start my Toro, the day was warm so I opened the windows for fresh air. What a beautiful day; too nice to remain indoors. Inside tasks completed it was time to head out and walk to the store, even if it was only for a few items. That was when God stepped in.

I grabbed my recycle bag and started down the sidewalk, stopping to visit the couple two doors down as they were mulching the flower bed by their front entry. They are expecting their third child and this time it will be a girl. I cross the street and introduce myself to Bob a retiree trimming a rosebush.  Grocery items purchased I walk back smelling the lilacs as well as observing two young girls running around blowing bubbles. A home recipe and glycerin is the key confides their grandfather with a smile.

Psalm 118:24 This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.

I could have stayed inside that afternoon. Instead out there God touched me with His creation. Yes, everything was beautifully green and fresh, thanks to the spring showers, but it was the other part of His creation that I could share. The happiness of a couple landscaping their home; plants lovingly tended by a man’s gentle hand; the girlish laughter of granddaughters interacting with their grandfather all three delighted with the simple joy of bubbles in the sunshine. I would have missed out on that if I had not stepped out.


Forgive me Lord, because I was complaining about not getting my lawn mowing done. Really, Doneta? If the only thing you have to worry about is long grass, then you are blessed. To be able to have a home to care for is huge. To be thankful only because a day went according to my plan, that it was perfect according to my definition, that is shallow.  That’s not what King David wrote when he penned Psalm 118. He instructed “be glad in it”, not just for it. There’s that attitude thing again. Be glad you have the ability and strength to take care of the home (and lawn) God has given you. But better still and more importantly step beyond your door and see the world God has given you.

Wow Lord, you bless me with this incredible life. I simply don’t deserve it. Help me to utilize the gift, to go beyond being thankful and out to sharing you and your love with others in my Monday world.

Blessings as you step out, serve and share! Doneta

One thought on “Life – it’s all about Plan B

  1. This made me laugh a bit, remembering our discussion at church a few weeks ago. This totally ties into the new sermon series, starting June 14th, The Waiting Room.

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